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Nature Rhymes




Hello mouse.

How do you do?

Is this your house?

Why, this is my house to.



Pretty grey spider you've spun a fine net.

Now you can wait and see what you'll get.

Vibrations will tell you some thing has been


Then you can look to see what you've got.

Pretty grey spider I'm glad you are here.

I see fewer flies as long as you're near.



Honey bee flying from flower to flower.

Gathering pollen in sunshine or shower.

Watching you closely I can see -

you have a complex society.

Everyone helping and doing their share.

Storing up honey for winter with care.




A snake I saw in my garden today.

Eating mice along the way.

 Oh, how I hope you're here to stay.




A little bug landed on me today and I bid for

it to stay.

But it preened its long antennae and then it

flew away.




Two little woodpeckers high in a tree.

You chatter to parents to "Please come feed


Two little woodpeckers hidden from view.

Mommy and Daddy will bring bugs to you.

Soon you'll be climbing to look from your


Then you will fly and peck like the rest.



Little brown bat I can hear you tonight.

With echo location you guide your swift 


So many mosquitoes you'll eat from the air.

I am so happy each night you are there.



Ants all walking in a row.

Gathering seeds as you go.

To build your long tunnels you labor and


By building your tunnels you till up the soil.